Author: Taylor Mills

  • When You Can Only Do So Much

    When You Can Only Do So Much

    We’re so limited these days in what we can do because of the necessary social distancing.  We’re conditioned to be do-ers, people who derive their self-worth from what we accomplish.  We’re a meritocracy — those who do the most rise to the top.  This can deceive us into thinking that what we do is more…

  • Remote Healing

    Remote Healing

    In God’s love bridges social distancing Joe Iovino reminds us that… While we may feel a bit alone during this time apart, it is good to remember that God’s love is big enough to bridge the gaps created by social distancing. In John 4, a father who works as a royal official approaches Jesus and…

  • 98-year-old Shares Prayer During CoronaVirus

    98-year-old Shares Prayer During CoronaVirus

    This 98-year-old (who is about to turn 99 next week) from Tennessee shares a prayer from her heart during the CoronaVirus pandemic: Dear Lord and Father of us all, Even by another name, we now know you as God, Ruler of the World and Creator of the Universe and our own Special Father. Hear our…

  • A Word of Prayer

    A Word of Prayer

    Our District Superintendent, Rev. Linda Taylor, sent the pastors this word of prayer and I’d like to send it on to you.  Please join in prayer: I invite you to join your prayers with mine this morning as together we lift our prayers…for all healthcare workers who are on the front lines caring for the…

  • What God is Doing Though You

    What God is Doing Though You

    Ann St. UMC: Like you I am missing our in-person life together as a church!  I miss seeing your face on Sunday, sharing classes and small group time, breaking bread together, and all kinds of other interactions we take for granted.   But I am so thankful for our Christian witness as a church!  You are……

  • Seven Suggestions for Healing and Renewal in the Midst of Stress and Anxiety

    Seven Suggestions for Healing and Renewal in the Midst of Stress and Anxiety

    Flora Slosson Wuellner, an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ, is well known throughout the United States and Europe for her writings and retreat leadership that focus on the inner healing that God freely offers through Christ. She shares these “Seven Suggestions for Healing and Renewal in the Midst of Stress and Anxiety.”…

  • Sharing Encouragement and Resources

    Sharing Encouragement and Resources

    Friends in Christ, What a time this has been! You are likely starting to feel the effects of isolation and social distancing. Like you, I miss our usual interactions. But I will endeavor to use this space to share encouragement and peace with you as we go forward. Some have described this time as a…