“With passion ignited by the Holy Spirit we will grow in disciple-making.”
~ASUMC Vision Team
We are a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the local and global ministries of the church.
Our Summons is to love, the poor, the immigrant, the prisoner, the homeless and the lonely, and the lost with willing and grace-filled hearts.
We do this by financially supporting local and global missions by engaging our resources of time, talent, and treasure in the local community where the needs of women and children are great.
Through our personal contributions and energetic fundraising efforts we are contributing to these fifteen missions and projects this year:
Beaufort Boys & Girls Clubs Meals on Wheels UMYF Pilgrimage Family Promise
Habitat Lunches Ann Street Preschool Bibles Camp Don Lee Scholarship Carteret Co. Domestic
Violence Hospice Loaves & Fishes Backpack Ministry Mother & Child Retreat Scholarship for
Adult Women Miriam Women’s Residential Program Senior Graduation Bibles
Station Club Luncheon
There are always opportunities for EVERY woman at Ann Street Church to be part of this vibrant, caring ministry!
Be inspired! Reach out! Connect with our community of women!
Please call the church office for information on how to join a circle and get involved.