Making disciples of Jesus Christ by the sea and throughout God's creation

When You Can Only Do So Much

We’re so limited these days in what we can do because of the necessary social distancing.  We’re conditioned to be do-ers, people who derive their self-worth from what we accomplish.  We’re a meritocracy — those who do the most rise to the top.  This can deceive us into thinking that what we do is more important than who we are.

Today in our Pastor’s Bible Study (email me to join us on Zoom) we will look at the story of Mary and Martha when Jesus came to visit them.  Martha was distracted with her many tasks.  Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to him.  When Martha complained that Mary wasn’t helping, Jesus said that Mary was in the right.

We don’t want to minimize the importance of doing.  Mission, service, and commitment are all ways in which we worship Jesus too.  But on this occasion, Jesus teaches Martha to be still and focus her efforts on listening to him.

While we’re quarantined and staying-at-home and practicing social distancing, it’s as if we are in a forced retreat — a compulsory rest from our many tasks.  We aren’t allowed the usual distractions that keep us from sitting at Jesus’ feet.

So let’s continue to make the best of this tough situation by sitting at Jesus’ feet.  Let’s pray more.  Let’s read our Bible.  Let’s honor God by spending more time with our Savior.  This is the better part!