Christmas Poinsettias to Remember or Honor 

The poinsettia is named for Joel Poinsett, ambassador to Mexico in the 1820’s, who discovered the plant and brought it to America. Poinsettias are popular at Christmas because they bloom in December and the little flower reminds us of the Star of Bethlehem, the heavenly body that led the three magi, or wise men, to the place where Christ was born.

A Mexican legend tells of a girl who could only offer weeds as a gift to Jesus on Christmas Eve. When she brought the weeds into a church, they blossomed into the beautiful red plants we know as poinsettias, known as Flores de Noche Buena in Mexico (Spanish for “flowers of the holy night”).

The beautiful Christmas poinsettias in Ann Street United Methodist Church have been placed there in honor of, or in memory of special people in our lives.

All money raised from the poinsettias go to mission projects supported by the Grace Eure Circle which benefit church, community, national and international endeavors.

View the file below to see who this year’s poinsettias honor and remember!