United Methodist Men (UMM) – Helping Men Grow In Christ, So Others May Know Christ
The UMM at Ann Street UMC is both a spiritual formation group and a service organization. We seek to
help men grow in Christ and at the same time lead others to Jesus. For example, our men work with
youth, teach Sunday School classes, lead devotions at addiction recovery. Recently, UMM formed the
“Men In Faith Prayer Group”, Tuesday mornings at 9 AM in the Eure Building on the 3rd floor. We share our prayer concerns and celebrations. You are invited to join us in any activity!
We are a diverse group with many interests. Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest.
For example, some of our men build ramps into homes for handicap people.
In addition, the UMM also works to support several charitable causes within the community. The causes recently included Loaves and Fishes Addiction Recovery, Carteret County Domestic Violence, Marching Mariners at ECHS, ASUMC future youth mission trip, Family Promise, Downeast Food Drive, Halloween Trunk or Treat, Hurricane Laura UMCOR
If you are interested in joining the Ann Street UMC United Methodist Men or would like more information, please contact our 2023 President Ray Hevner at (315)952-2058 or rayhevner1950@gmail.com.